If you are coming to #Gainesville , FL for appointments at Shands, to visit a UF student, for a Gainesville event, or any other reason, we have the PERFECT house for you.
Location, location, location!
Walk to Shands and UF. Also, a short drive to the Innovation District, Downtown Gainesville, Depot Park, The Cade Museum, The Harn Museum, The Museum of Natural History, The Hippodrome, The University of Florida Performing Arts, many restaurants, bar, parks etc… so many locations!
Gainesville, FL
Find Us:
(352) 519-3994
We are a short-term property rental company with a deep local presence. We support the Gainesville community in so many ways. We hire locally, we use local vendors, we partner with local businesses, and we love sharing our love of Gainesville with all of our guests.